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December 2018

Tips on how to pick a charity this season

(NC) The holidays are all about checking off lists — hang decorations, check. Plan the menus, check. Finish buying presents, check. Attend family gatherings, check, check, check.

Perhaps donating to a local charity or food bank tops your check list because ‘tis the season for charitable giving. And the statistics prove it. According to Imagine Canada, a national organization that advocates for charities, almost half of all charitable donations occur over the holiday season. That’s roughly $5 billion of an estimated annual $10 billion in charitable donations per year. In short, we like to give over the holidays.

But with a deluge of Canadian charities (about 86,000 registered with the Canada Revenue Agency), it can be overwhelming to pick and choose where and how to donate. Here are some tips to make it easier.

  1. Put your money where your passions are. Whether you want to end poverty, find a cure for breast cancer or advocate for human rights, figuring out which cause you’re most passionate about will help narrow down the list of organizations worth investing in.
  2. Do your research. Check to make sure it’s a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and visit the charity’s website to see what kind of work it’s doing. Also, be wary of fraudulent charities looking to make a buck off do-gooders. Don’t click any suspicious links in emails, don’t respond to calls seeking donations and double-check the identification of canvassers who come knocking.
  3. Figure out how you want to give. Charitable gifts or monthly donations are quick and easy to set up if you want to give cash to a cause. If you are feeling penny-pinched over the holiday season, then consider fundraising with a group of friends or family members. Leaving a dollar or two at the grocery store cash register donation box is also a small but impactful way to help make the world a better place.

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