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July 2018

Choosing the best material for your fence

(NC) A new fence can beautify your yard and add value to your home. Whether you’re building a fence to add charm to your backyard or create a place for your family to gather, know that different types of fences provide different levels of safety, privacy and style.

Here are some tips from Steve Trescher, director of merchandising building materials at the Home Depot Canada, on which materials to consider when starting your fence project.

Wood. Pressure-treated wood and cedar are very popular options when building a fence. They are affordable, durable and long lasting. Cedar also contains oils that act as natural deterrents against rotting and insect infestation.

Vinyl. If you’re looking for something a little lower maintenance, Vinyl fencing is an affordable option that doesn’t require painting or staining. Made from a strong plastic-based substance, vinyl fencing is resistant to moisture, flaking and cracking, making it an excellent option for Canada’s unpredictable winters. Most come with easy-to-install kits and panels that allow for easy DIY installation.

Aluminum. This material combines the look of wrought iron, with a powder-coated acrylic finish. It’s DIY-friendly and won’t fade or discolour. It is a strong material that cannot be cut, giving you extra security.

Slipfence. Slipfence is an innovative fencing solution that gives you the beauty of a wood fence combined with the durability of aluminium. The system is easy to install and you can build to create either a vertical or horizontal fence style.

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