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April 2021

Home organization hacks you can tackle in 15 minutes

(NC) Home improvement projects enhance your living spaces, but it can be hard to find the motivation to tackle bigger ones. As many of us have been spending more time at home recently, here are some ideas for smaller tasks you can do that have a big impact.

Repurpose cardboard 
We’ve all been shopping online more than ever and probably have plenty of extra boxes lying around. Upcycle them by cutting into strips to serve as drawer divider inserts that can organize everything from folded clothes to kitchen utensils.

Organize face masks 
We all have reusable face masks lying around and keeping them tidy can be hard especially if you have a big family. Hanging shower curtain hooks on a rod on the wall by your entryway or clothes hanger in the front hall closet is a great way to store them neatly.

Review your insurance 
An essential part of putting your home in order is making sure you have the right insurance coverage to protect your property and belongings.

“If you plan to make improvements to your living space while working from home, it’s important to take the time to review your insurance contract with your broker or agent to make sure you have the coverage you need,” says Kristen Gill, head of personal insurance at Aviva Canada.

“For example, if you plan to renovate your basement, consider asking about coverage for basement flooding and how to reduce water damage risk by including a sump pump or backwater valve.”

Install a desk pegboard  
After nearly a year of working and learning remotely, most of us have created a setup that works. But if you have papers, pens and charge cords lying around, a pegboard can help you get organized. Paint it in a fun colour that matches your décor, and hang rods, hooks and planters to sort your trinkets. 

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