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June 2021

How to keep your family’s devices safe

(NC) Wireless technology is an essential part of life for most of us - both professionally and personally - and that’s become even truer during the pandemic. Families of all sizes own several connected devices, from smartphones to tablets, to Bluetooth headphones to digital home assistants, and smart TVs.

These devices are incredibly convenient and are a key part of our everyday lives. However, it’s important to stay on top of safety and security features to help prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to your personal information.

Just like you lock your door when you leave home, make sure your devices are safe and secure before you share information online. Here are a few tips to stay safe:

Protect yourself with a secure VPN
Sending any data over the internet, like when you shop online, can expose sensitive information such as your banking details. A virtual private network, known as a VPN, is an essential tool for helping protect that information, especially on the go. It protects your data against hackers and cybercriminals even if you’re using public Wi-Fi.

Use a password manager
You know you need distinct passwords for online accounts and devices, but it’s impossible to remember all of them. A secure password manager can remember, secure and automatically store your passwords for you. This means you can make stronger, unique passwords for everything, without worrying they’ll be cracked by criminals.

Activate an online security service
There’s only so much online security you can tackle on your own. While no one can prevent all cybercrime or identity theft, a third-party service that goes beyond the old days of anti-virus protection can not only provide comprehensive protection, but also take the uncertainty out of keeping you and your family safe online.

Look for a service that provides all-in-one protection, such as Telus Online Security Powered by NortonLifeLock. Its multiple layers of protection include alerts to potential identity theft, dark web monitoring, and full-service identity restoration backed by a team of experts.

Find more information at

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