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This essential service helps keep our economy growing

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Reporter Script:

As Canadian farmers get ready for planting, some of us worry about possible impacts of COVID-19 on our food supply this summer and fall, including potential labour shortages, facility shutdowns, and the reliability of the supply chain. But the fertilizer industry, a key player in Canada’s agriculture sector, is ready to meet farmers’ needs this spring to ensure a successful growing season and harvest this fall, which will be critical to Canada’s long-term recovery.

Garth Whyte, President and CEO of Fertilizer Canada explains.

Spokesperson Quote:

Fertilizer manufacturers, distributors and agri-retailers are doing everything they can to keep their customers, suppliers and employees healthy and safe. We take our role in feeding the world seriously and we’ve adapted so that farmers can continue to keep food on the shelves.

Reporter Script:

As their recent survey shows, this supply chain is functioning well, with ninety percent of respondents having enough fertilizer on hand or en route to supply farmers in time for planting season.

Find more information at fertilizer Canada dot c a.

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Audio preview:

Script preview:

As Canadian farmers get ready for planting, some of us worry about possible impacts of COVID-19 on our food supply this summer and fall, including potential labour shortages, facility shutdowns, and the reliability of the supply chain. But the fertilizer indus...


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