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Why you should share your end-of-life wishes with your loved ones

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Reporter Script:

Discussing death can be a challenging and sensitive topic for many Canadians. However, embracing and engaging in meaningful conversations around personal legacy and end-of-life wishes can help with the grieving process.

While a traditional or religious funeral service may be the right choice for some, it may not be the ideal option for others.

Increasingly, people are choosing a “celebration of life” that centres on the impact and enduring legacy of the departed.

Scott Lockwood of Arbor Memorial funeral homes and cemeteries, adds.

Spokesperson Quote:

Over 90 per cent of Canadians recognize the importance of sharing their end-of-life wishes, but less than half have spoken about them with their loved ones. While it is a sensitive topic, it is important to have these conversations while we can. Taking care of the details ahead of time also provides comfort for your loved ones during a tough time.

Reporter Script:

Learn more about pre-planning your funeral at arbormemorial dot c a.

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(NC) Discussing death can be a challenging and sensitive topic for many Canadians. However, embracing and engaging in meaningful conversations around personal legacy and end-of-life wishes can help with the grieving process.

While a traditional or religious funeral service may be the right choice for some, it may not be the ideal option for others.

Increasingly, some people are choosing a “celebration of life” that centres on the impact and lasting legacy of the departed.

“Over 90 per cent of Canadians recognize the importance of sharing their end-of-life wishes with their loved ones,” says Scott Lockwood, of Arbor Memorial funeral homes and cemeteries. “But less than half have spoken about them.”

He adds, “While it is a sensitive topic, it is important to have these conversations while we can. Taking care of the details ahead of time provides comfort for your loved ones during a tough time.”

Find out more about pre-planning a funeral at

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